Location Doña Elvira Apartments

Contact form Doña Elvira Apartments

How to get to Doña Elvira Apartments

  • By car

    The Doña Elvira Apartments are located just 30 minutes from Gran Canaria Airport. At the Arrivals Terminal you can rent a vehicle if wanted and from there go to Puerto Rico, municipality of Mogán, by the free highway GC-1. Take exit 62 from GC-1 onto GC-500. Take Av. Tomás Roca Bosch, at the end of Calle Gran Canaria, you will find the Apartamentos Doña Elvira.

  • By taxi

    One of the most comfortable means of transport from the Gran Canaria Airport is undoubtedly the taxi. The average journey time to the Doña Elvira Apartments is 30 minutes. Taxis can be found at the official stops at Gran Canaria Airport, on the ground floor, at Arrivals terminal. They have fixed official rates for some routes, including Puerto Rico. Thus, the journey from the airport to the Doña Elvira Apartments is set between 55 and 70 euros, depending on the time and day you use the service (being more expensive if you use it from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. as well as Sundays and holidays).

  • By bus

    The bus service has Line 91 as the most direct, although it makes some stops before arriving in Puerto Rico. From your stop to our apartments it will take 10 minutes on foot. The price of the ticket is € 5.45.

Where to find us

Avenida de Gran Canaria, 30
35130 Puerto Rico - Mogán - Gran Canaria
Islas Canarias - España


How to find us

E: donaelvira@trujillocastellanos.com
T: +34 928 560 440

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